Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gaudi's Paver Stone

For Spring Break my parents and my sister came and visited. One day we went and saw three of the Gaudi buildings in the city. We first went to Sagrada Familia, then Casa Mila, and lastly Casa Batllo. On the way to Casa Batllo I noticed the pavement that Gaudi had created was on the sidewalk. It was under construction so I was able to see how the tile was put into place.

The Sketch to the right shows how this is done and with what materials. First they lay down a concrete slab, then stone dust is used, followed by the paver stone on top.

The very interesting thing about this paver is that it is not ordinary. It is not just a plain rectangle or square. The paver stone is actually a hexagon and there are 3 different sea creatures on them.

The pavement is arranged so that there is half of the sea creature on 2 sides, so that whenever lined up with the other pavement it automatically finished the sea creature. This is seen in the picture below.

As you can see the sidewalk was under construction and this is how they were repairing it and adding in the new tiles.


Unknown said...

cool, i was just there a few weeks ago and was kinda interested by the paving

Rob said...

Alwin, nice article about the Gaudi paver stone.
When I saw them layed I noticed a website on the packaging where the tiles were manufactured.
Which I lost!

Can you help me to it?

Thanks and regards,
Rob Olgers, The Hague, The Netherlands